Frequently Asked Questions

The Admission Process is annual, and has two stages:

First stage: performed in Lima, as well as in the headquarters of the Offices Desconcentradas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ODES), located in the cities of Chachapoyas, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Cusco, Iquitos, Piura, Puerto Maldonado, Puno, Tacna, Trujillo, Tumbes, Pucallpa and Moquegua. This includes the written examinations of knowledge and concept.

Second stage: it Is performed only in Lima, and includes tests psycho-technical, psychological, English, medical and oral examination of the concept. All exams of the competition of admission are preliminary.

Exceptionally, in the case of joints such as for example the public health emergency caused by the COVID-19; the Diplomatic Academy may decide to perform part or all of the contest under the modality of distance.

In the month of December of every year is published on the website of the ADP ( the information concerning the process.
In 2025, the enrollment process will be 02 to 13 January.

In 2025, the application process to the ADP will start the 02 January, in a virtual way through the website of the institution:


Interested parties must pay the registration fee and fill out the corresponding form. Once you have validated your registration, you will receive via email the code of applicant to be used throughout the process of assessments.

The system will provide the instructions to perform the process of registration.

to.) Be peruvian or peruvian by birth;

(“Article 2.- Are peruvians by birth are:1. People born in the territory of the Republic.2. The underage in a state of neglect, which reside in the territory of the Republic, children of unknown parents.3. People born in foreign territory, children of a mother or a father peruvian by birth, who are enrolled during his minority in the respective Registry of Civil Status, Section Births, the Consular Office of Peru. The right granted in section 3 is recognized only to the descendants until the third generation.” LAW 202674)

b.) Not be older than 30 years of age by 31 march of the year of application;

c.) Have academic degree of bachelor of science (hereinafter, the bachelor's degree) and/or professional degree college in any of the races recognized by the system national university, or its equivalent for those who have studied abroad, enrolled in the National Registry of Degrees and Titles of the Superintendencia Nacional de Educación Superior Universitaria (hereinafter, SUNEDU).

Exceptionally, in case that is pending the issuance of the diploma certifying the obtaining of the degree of bachelor of science and/or the professional title of university, the applicant may submit an affidavit of having initiated the procedure for obtaining them, together with proof of having satisfactorily met the requirements for eligibility, issued by the university in question. In this case, you must submit the corresponding diploma or the Rectorial Resolution conferring the degree and/or title not later than the business day prior to the date of the last examination of the Admission application. In case you have the bachelor's degree and/or professional degree college awarded by a foreign university, the corresponding diploma must be legalized or apostilled, as appropriate, with official translation into Spanish, in case that is located in another language, and duly registered in the SUNEDU;

d.) To have dominion of the Spanish language;

e.) There have been deprecated more than once in contests of admission organized by the Diplomatic Academy. Not considered in this course to candidates who, having passed the oral examination of the concept, not reached vacancy to enter the Diplomatic Academy;

f.) Not have been expelled from any college or institutes armed;

g.) Not to record a criminal record or police, and

h.) Having complied with the requirements and conditions established for the registration process.

The criteria of the exams of the competition for admission can be found in the regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Diplomatic Academy of Peru, and which are the following:

  • The Orderly Unique Text of the Law on the Diplomatic Service of the Republic Act (28091)
  • The Rules of the Diplomatic Service of the Republic, approved by DS 130-2003-RE
  • The Rules of procedure of the Diplomatic Academy of Peru, approved by RM 0053-2018-RE
  • The Supreme Decree that establishes the requirements and conditions of the service, exclusive of registration in the Public Competition for Admission to the Diplomatic Academy of Peru Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, approved by DS 064-2020/RE
  • The Directive of the Competition for Admission to the ADP, approved by the RMV 0476-2021 (Directive 008-2021-ADP-RE).

You can download the aforementioned rules and regulations at the following link:

The maximum age to apply is 30 years as of march 31 of the year of application.

The profile that you are looking for in applicants (prospective students of the ADP and then future diplomatic officials) is that they are people who identify themselves fully with the nature and functions of the Diplomatic Service of the Republic (SDR) as well as the duties and obligations of the diplomatic officials.

The nature and functions of the SDR can be found in Chapter II (“the Nature and Functions” – article 3: Functions) and in the Chapter III (“the Statute of the Diplomat” – article 9-Duties of the Officer) of the TUO of the Law of the SDR. Similarly, but with more detail, figure in Section I, Chapter I (“the Nature and functions”), Chapter II (“The income and oath”) and in the Section II Chapter II (“Duties of the Officials”), of the Regulations of the Law of the SDR.

For the Contest of Admitting 2025, the cost is s/.600.00 suns, as it is established in the T. U. PA. current.

The payment will be made in the Agencies of the Bank in the Nation at the national level or through the web application the code rate N°04520. When making the deposit shall bear the number of the identity card of the applicant.

Are exempt beneficiaries of the Reparations Programme in Education who, in accordance with what is established in article 26 of the Organic Regulation of the Diplomatic Academy, are exempted from the payment of the fees of sale prospectus and the annual enrollment at the contest of admission. For exemption of the payment, the applicant is a beneficiary of the PIR must submit the Certificate of Accreditation of enrollment in the Single Registry of Victims (UVR).

The prospectus for the Admission application is digital and can be downloaded free of charge through the web page

Normally in march.

Av Faustino Sánchez Carrión 355 (ex Av Pershing) Magdalena del Mar, Lima.

The locations for the various examinations are published in a timely manner on the website of the ADP.

The registration can be performed from any place because it is done in a virtual way through the institutional web page. The first stage of the tests can be performed in the Offices Desconcentradas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Arequipa, Cusco, Tacna, Tumbes, Piura, Trujillo, Puerto Maldonado, Pucallpa, Puno, Iquitos, Cajamarca, Chachapoyas, and Moquegua. The second stage of the competition takes place only in the city of Lima.

The themes of the Contest are published on the website of the ADP

Also, have been published models of the examination of knowledge and concept review oral previous years, which are a useful guide of study for those interested in applying for the contest.

No prep center provides insider information, or direct access to the Diplomatic Academy of Peru.

The knowledge exam consists of 160 questions. The agenda of each year can find it at the following link

– International News
– Diplomacy and International Relations
– General theory of Law, Public International Law and the Legal System Peruvian
– Economy and International Trade
– Geography
– Political science and the History of Political Ideas
– World History
– History of Peru

The bibliography suggested in the curriculum is character reference.

Yes, it's multiple choice.

No, there is No points against.

The written test of concept evaluates the ability of critical analysis and the correct writing of the applicant. It is written, anonymous, and consists in the development of one or more topics of current national or international.

The medical examination evaluates the condition and physical health of the applicant and may consist of various tests.

The examination of psycho-technical evaluates the abilities, skills and essential features of the personality of the applicant and its congruence with the required profile.

The psychological examination evaluates the psychological conditions that are more appropriate for the exercise of the diplomatic function.

The oral examination of the concept evaluates the ability of the applicant to develop and address various issues related to national and international affairs, as well as matters of general culture, among others. This consists of a personal interview before a jury composed by:

    1. The Deputy Foreign minister, who presides over it;
    2. The Director of the Diplomatic Academy;
    3. A General Manager of one of the bodies of the line of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    4. A foreign Service officer with the rank of Ambassador, who is serving functions in Lima;
    5. A professor of the Diplomatic Academy; and
    6. Two university professors, one of them female.

Yes, all the reviews are out. The tests of knowledge, written concept and oral-of-concept have a minimum passing grade of 11 (11.00). The note may include a fraction, up to the hundredths. There is half a point for or against.

The English, psycho-technical, psychological and medical are evaluated as suitable or not suitable.

The entrance is by a strict order of merit among the applicants with a passing grade and within the number of vacancies that are set for the contest of admission.

The box will be made according to the following table of coefficients:

Test Coefficient
Knowledge test 8
Written test-of-concept 6
Oral examination-of-concept 6
Total 20

The number of vacancies each year is determined by the foreign ministry, according to the needs of the foreign Service, by a Ministerial Resolution.

Within the vacancies include the booking of one (01) plaza for those candidates who prove to be beneficiaries of the Reparations Programme in Education that refers to the Act no. 28592, Law that creates the Comprehensive Plan of Repairs– PIR, subject to obtaining a passing grade on all examination of the Admission application and the declaration of suitable, as appropriate. Also, it was established that in case of such vacancy is not occupied by applicants, beneficiaries of the Comprehensive Plan of Repairs, it would be covered by the other applicants in strict order of merit, provided that they have passed all the requirements of the Admission application.

Applicants must have bachelor degree and/or professional qualification in any of the races recognized by the university system and peruvian (SUNEDU) or its equivalent for those who have completed studies on the outside.

No. We only ask for the race and the university are recognised according to the current regulations.

The only language it is a requirement to apply to the ADP is English. The examination is evaluated with suitable or not suitable.

All applicants must take a test of English as part of the Competition of Admission, where they will be assessed on their knowledge of spoken, written and comprehension at the intermediate level.

The applicant or the applicant may be exempted from the English test in the following cases: having a title or degree year university whose language of instruction out exclusively in the English language and is enrolled in the SUNEDU, or submit original certificate of IELTS Academic with minimum average total of 6.5 or TOEFL IBT minimum average total of 87, in effect at the time of the registration.

No. It is a requirement to be peruvian by birth. This also includes any person who at birth has been registered as a peruvian consulate in the corresponding exterior.

Classes are face-to-face and are held in the headquarters of the ADP located on Avenida Faustino Sánchez Carrión No. 335 (Ex. Av Pershing) Magdalena del Mar, Lima.

Exceptionally, in the case of joints such as for example the public health emergency caused by the COVID-19, the Diplomatic Academy may decide to conduct the classes under the modality of distance.

During the two years of studies students receive training in accordance with the profile of the graduate, which requires the competencies that must be developed for the better exercise of the diplomatic career. These competencies are divided into four thematic axes: essential knowledge, diplomatic management, global understanding and soft skills, these are reinforced with a solid foundation in ethical values, which forms the basis for the development of public officials accountable and aware of the obligations to be undertaken when joining the Diplomatic Service in front of the Nation and their fellow citizens.

It requires dedication during the two years of the Master's degree. In addition to classes, students are given practice in the summer months in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and support the work of the diplomatic officials during the conduct of international events.

Young people entering the ADP access a State grant that covers the post-graduate studies. Also, the students are provided with a monthly allowance, among other benefits intended to devote himself exclusively to his studies.

Studies in the ADP are free. In addition, each student receives a monthly allowance, there is a library specializing, have health insurance, snacks during the school day, and uniform university card. As part of their training, also made study trips to the interior of the country and summer internships both in Chancery as in the missions of Peru abroad.

During two years.

A Master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations and the Professional Title of a Career Diplomat, for which underpin a research paper and present a case study.

The graduates of the Diplomatic Academy is incorporated in the Diplomatic Service of the Republic, with the rank of Third Secretary. In function of their age and of their performance, the members of the Diplomatic Service can periodically aspire to be promoted to the top category, in accordance with the provisions of law of the SDR and its regulations, with the other categories, in ascending order, the following: Second Secretary, First Secretary, Counselor, Minister, Counselor, Minister, and Ambassador.

The diplomatic officials working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the offices desconcentradas (ODES) in the regions, and, if required, they can be highlighted to fulfill functions in other departments of the State. After two years, are appointed to serve in the embassies, consulates and permanent representations in Peru on the outside before international organizations.

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