Competition process

Is performed at the end of each year by Ministerial Resolution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Taking place on the dates given in the month of January, in a virtual way, through the web page of the ADP (

In 2025, the enrollment process will be 02 to 13 January.

For the Contest of Admitting 2025, the cost will be s/.600.00 suns, as it is established in the T. U. PA. current.

The payment will be made in the Agencies of the Bank in the Nation at the national level or through the web application the code rate N°04520. When making the deposit shall bear the number of the identity card of the applicant.

Are exempt beneficiaries of the Reparations Programme in Education who, in accordance with what is established in article 26 of the Organic Regulation of the Diplomatic Academy, are exempted from the payment of the fees of sale prospectus and the annual enrollment at the contest of admission. For exemption of the payment, the applicant is a beneficiary of the PIR must submit the Certificate of Accreditation of enrollment in the Single Registry of Victims (UVR).

Performed in Lima, as well as in the headquarters of the Offices Desconcentradas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ODES), located in the cities of Chachapoyas, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Cusco, Iquitos, Piura, Puerto Maldonado, Puno, Tacna, Trujillo, Tumbes, Pucallpa and Moquegua. This includes the written examinations of knowledge and concept.

  1. Knowledge test: Based on the agenda that are included in the prospectus of admission issued annually.- International News
    – Diplomacy and International Relations
    – General theory of Law, Public International Law and the Legal System Peruvian
    – Economy and International Trade
    – Geography
    – Political science and the History of Political Ideas
    – World History
    – History of Peru
  2. Written test-of-concept: Develop two topics of current national or international.

Second stage:

Applicants who have passed the 2 tests of the first stage, they will be held the tests of the second stage in Lima.

3. English test
4. Test psycho-technical
5. Psychological examination
6. Medical examination
7. Oral examination-of-concept (interview before a jury).

 All tests are in the playoffs and the results are published on the website of the ADP in a timely manner. The prospectus of each contest, with the regulations applicable to the same, is obtained free of charge on the website of the ADP.

The entrance is by a strict order of merit. Those who enter to ADP, will continue four semesters of graduate studies. Students who pass all subjects, as well as for the sustainability of the research paper and case study appropriate, they will receive the professional title of a Diplomatic(a) Career and a Master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations. Then, they will be enrolled in the Ranks of the Diplomatic Service of the Republic, with the initial category of Third(a) Secretary(to).

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